The CBO just told the American people that 2013 will in all likelihood be the fourth year in a row with trillion dollar deficits. Hmmmm, Call me crazy but I think I have detected a trend ....follow along people while I try to lay this out as clearly as I can. We have had 4 years of obama while at the same time we have had 4 years of trillion dollar deficits. Question is this just a coincidence or am I on to something here ?
Congressional Budget Office reports another $1 trillion deficit
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Tuesday, January 31, 2012
Monday, January 30, 2012
Ann Coulter And Romney ?
* SHRUG * ....I haven't a clue folks ...none ....nada. Its like space aliens replaced her with a nearly perfect clone, the single flaw being ....she likes Mitt Romney. While meantime the real Ann is on the mothership with all those needles and probes. Considering what she is doing here on Earth ....I hope it hurts.
Congressman West Needs Our Help
Obama's Flying Monkeys have a mission or rather a whole host of missions but one of them is to take down Congressmen they think are vulnerable. They have created a super pack that is targeting 10 Republican congressmen Congressman West is one of them. Send money, watch below.
What I Mean By Democrat Flying Monkeys
Someone asked why I used the term the democrat/progressive/liberal Flying Monkeys. Well its pretty simple , whenever the evil witch had a nasty ....vile and dirty task she needed done but did not want to sully her hands with, she used her Flying Monkeys. Obama and the democrats have such critters as well, unions... the hordes of social justice community organizing crowd .....the press etc, etc. And as we saw in Oakland the other night.....the OWS movement.
The Flying Monkeys getting their orders
The results of those orders
The Flying Monkeys getting their orders
The results of those orders
Sunday, January 29, 2012
Union Flying Monkeys Hissy Fit
Well here we go again, the unions in Indiana are once again kicking up a fuss because the state is attempting to pass a law that will end union slavery by making Indiana a right to work state. As it stands now if you are hired into a workplace that is represented by a union you can be forced to pay union dues even though you may choose not choose to join a union. Last year in Indiana at the same time the democrats in WI. ran away from home on orders from their union masters much the same thing happened in Indiana and for much the same reason. Democrats in Indiana ran away from home and fled to guessed it, the great state and home of wayward homeless democrats, Illinois. Well they are at it again and this time the unions have decided to disrupt the Super Bowl by calling in the horde of union flying monkeys with trucks and snarling traffic in and around the site of the Super Bowl. It is also union labor which is being used to construct much of the infrastructure needed for Super Bowl festivity's. Now I ask you, what could go wrong with this one. .....I don't know but am pretty sure that nothing good could come of it.....fingers crossed I'm right. Hell, what do I care the Steelers ain't in it . Anyway I hope the unions in an attempt to win friends go ahead with what ever sneaky underhanded scheme they have. I do have a question to any union member who may read this ....if unions are so good why is it you have to force people to join them ?
Unions see Super Bowl leverage in labor battle
Saturday, January 28, 2012
Luzerne County Taxpayers Assume The Usual Position
Well once again after reading a story in my local paper I felt the need for a cigarette. This urge however was not accompanied by the usual post coital glow that has followed such activities in the past. Rather it was followed by a sense of being violated ....again or perhaps as usual. It seems the democrats in the county in which I reside have once again somehow managed to figure out a new and novel way to lift the tax payers money and transfer it to their sticky little fingers. How did they achieve such a feat you ask ? Well, they over paid on a contract to a company we had hired to manage or improve or record keeping. I know your thinking, well it happens sometimes.Folks, they didn't overpay by a few % points. A error easily explained away with an bad accounting excuse. No ladies and gentleman they over paid by close to 800 % . Nearly 1,000,000 on a contract that called for a mere 112,000. Yep they overspent by 856,000. It was almost like we had some little troll in some sub basement of the courthouse working overtime printing out checks. The sad part is that this will surprise no one here in Luzerne county as over the last 2 - 3 years we have sent more democrats to prison than an Occupy Wall Street encampment on a bad day.
Read more:
Company overpaid $856,000
Audit of county’s records improvement fund also found violations of bidding regs.
Read more:
Friday, January 27, 2012
Its Working In Walker's Wisconsin....The Unions Weep.
If one wants an example of responsible governing one need to look no further than the State of Wisconsin. Since taking office Governor Walker has faced an unprecedented attack from left wing tax payer funded unions and hordes of like minded flying monkeys, led of course by our president obama. Soon after taking office Walker drove a stake into the heart of public service unions in the state with a host of reforms that targeted and reduced union influence and their ability to pick the pockets of Wisconsin citizens. The most egregious of these reforms in the unions opinion is that they can no longer compel new hires to join unions. That reduces union membership and more importantly UNION DUES which in turn reduces the unions ability to buy more democrat elected flying monkeys, which then reduces union influence, which then reduces their ability to purchase even more elected democrat flying monkeys, which further reduces union influence, which further .....well you get the idea. In short Walker has set the states public service unions on much the same flight path as the Famed Malaysian Concentric bird which is now extinct, killed off not by man or nature but due to its ability to fly only in ever tightening circles until it disappeared up its own rectum. This of course limited said bird's ability to breed. Public service unions in Wisconsin are following much the same flight path. The link below will take you to a host of stories that highlights Walkers success.
UPDATE....again, I'm not sure what happened here I posted an correction and it seems to have went POOF ....I made a wee bit of a mistake when I said this " The most egregious of these reforms in the unions opinion is that they can no longer compel new hires to join unions " that was wrong as the unions see it the major problem is that the state will no longer act as a collection agency for union dues from government employees. The unions will have to reach out and squeeze dues from its members without state support. Its already had a negitive impact on unions as they have had to lay off 40% of its employees.
UPDATE....again, I'm not sure what happened here I posted an correction and it seems to have went POOF ....I made a wee bit of a mistake when I said this " The most egregious of these reforms in the unions opinion is that they can no longer compel new hires to join unions " that was wrong as the unions see it the major problem is that the state will no longer act as a collection agency for union dues from government employees. The unions will have to reach out and squeeze dues from its members without state support. Its already had a negitive impact on unions as they have had to lay off 40% of its employees.
Video: Unhinged Lefties Heckle Scott Walker During Major Speech -- Plus: Walker Leads in Possible Recall Contest
There's so much good news to report out of Wisconsin, I don't know where to begin. I suppose this is as good a place as any:
Thursday, January 26, 2012
Wait A Sec...The Democrats Keep Telling Me There Is No Voter Fraud
Wednesday, January 25, 2012
ILLEGAL ALIENS Leave, Unemployment Drops Like A Rock....Go Figure
Who'd a thunk it. I mean it goes contrary to everything the liberals have telling us for years. They have been telling us that ILLEGAL ALIENS are just doing the jobs that Americans won't do and they have very little effect on the unemployment rate. Well it seems that they may have been lying to us .....again. The state of Alabama enacted a very tough law targeting ILLEGAL ALIENS back in September of 2011 just 4 short months ago. Since that law has taken affect the states unemployment rate has dropped from 9.8 % to 8.1 % IN JUST 4 MONTHS. The best obama has been able to do in 3 plus years is about 1 %. Obama is ....of course suing the state to over turn the law which should come as a shock to no one. A state with a low unemployment rate cuts into welfare use and reduces his pool of voters.
The Feds Had Better Stop Alabama…Before Everyone There Has a Job!
Oh no! It’s happened again. Alabama’s unemployment rate continues to plummet.
Ever since Alabama began implementing its immigration enforcement law, H.B. 56, in late September, the state’s unemployment rate has been dropping like a stone. In just the first month the law was in effect, unemployment in Alabama shrank from 9.8 percent of the workforce to 9.3 percent. And now the latest figures are in…and the news couldn’t be worse (for the Obama administration, the illegal alien lobby, and the U.S. Chamber of Commerce that is): Alabama’s unemployment rate checked in at 8.1 percent in December. That’s more than a 17 percent reduction since September.
Newt, The Truth
Needless to say if you get your information from our liberal media you will never hear this but only the constant drumbeat that Newt was found guilty of ethics violations. We have all seen how democrats react when they lose elections. They will run away from home as they did in WI and Ind last year. They will file lawsuit after lawsuit. They will force recall election after recall election until they achieve the result they want. Well here's more of the same. Its an interesting read and clears up a lot.
Monday, January 23, 2012
Obama Released Illegal Alien To Murder 3
How many times have we seen this. A ILLEGAL ALIEN is arrested, charged, convicted then released back into American society when his or her sentence has been served to go on to commit further this gentleman.
Immigration authorities released man who went on to kill 3 in North Miami
In a year-old mystery, a felon freed after he could not be returned to Haiti killed three people. Was it random, or was he working with someone?
What Democrats/Liberals/Progressives Believe
I saw this and laughed because it highlights far better than I have ever been able to do the sheer insanity of the modern democrat/liberal/progressive and does so in a simple and elegant manner.
That you can grow the entitlement class beyond the taxpayer class and never hit critical mass where there is no money left.
That using the military to oust a murderous thug dictator in 2003 was criminal, and using the military to oust a murderous thug dictator in 2011 was noble.
That the best way to grow the wealth of the private sector is to take all the money out of it.
That the best way to make us energy independent is to block any effort to produce more petrocarbons in this country.
That the best way to create jobs is to increase taxes and regulations on the job creators.
That the best way to stop arms from this country from getting into the hands of the drug cartels in Mexico is to provide arms to the drug cartels in Mexico.
That all the ills of the economy are due to the fat cat banks and other corporations, and the best way to deal with that is to provide billions in bailouts to the fat cat banks and other corporations.
That more unemployment checks create more jobs.
That investigating the background of George W Bush to the point that you have color photographs of his colon is proper vetting of the Chief Executive, but asking for Barack Hussein Obama's college records or for information on his association with a known terrorist is racist.
That somehow making firearms illegal will prevent criminals from using them.
That the life of a murderer on death row is sacred, but an unborn baby's is not.
That the best way to overcome our racist past is to enforce racist affirmative action policies.
That people who are too ignorant to get a free state issued I.D. card are smart enough to vote.
That the best way to overcome our current spending crisis is to spend more money.
That the federal government with no competition can provide a better health care product than the private sector with competition can.
That a grandma in a wheelchair is a bigger potential threat on an airplane than a guy with a name that takes phlegm to pronounce.
That we need to be sensitive to the feelings of people that subscribe to a religion that teaches that we all should submit to their version of righteousness or face beheading, but should demean and diminish those that believe in the religion that teaches we should love and embrace our neighbors no matter what religion they belong to.
That poll watchers who want to ensure that election laws are observed and the vote is without fraud are intimidating voters, and black radicals with clubs in front of a polling place are not.
That ice ages and the warming periods in between were not caused by man's influence on the earth but a half degree rise in average temperatures over 30 years is.
That using the equivalent of two gallons of fossil fuel to produce one gallon of ethanol makes sense because it is "renewable."
That a picture of a female guard in Abu Ghraib pointing at the genitals of a terrorist and laughing is deplorable but those same goofballs setting off an IED and killing our troops are just freedom fighters.
That a 70 year old woman with a Gadsden flag is a radical but an OWS protestor that defecates on a police car and breaks windows of businesses is a frustrated citizen.
That in spite of the fact that one third of the world is hungry it makes more sense to use food for fuel than drilling for a fuel source that nobody can eat.
H/T American Thinker
That you can grow the entitlement class beyond the taxpayer class and never hit critical mass where there is no money left.
That using the military to oust a murderous thug dictator in 2003 was criminal, and using the military to oust a murderous thug dictator in 2011 was noble.
That the best way to grow the wealth of the private sector is to take all the money out of it.
That the best way to make us energy independent is to block any effort to produce more petrocarbons in this country.
That the best way to create jobs is to increase taxes and regulations on the job creators.
That the best way to stop arms from this country from getting into the hands of the drug cartels in Mexico is to provide arms to the drug cartels in Mexico.
That all the ills of the economy are due to the fat cat banks and other corporations, and the best way to deal with that is to provide billions in bailouts to the fat cat banks and other corporations.
That more unemployment checks create more jobs.
That investigating the background of George W Bush to the point that you have color photographs of his colon is proper vetting of the Chief Executive, but asking for Barack Hussein Obama's college records or for information on his association with a known terrorist is racist.
That somehow making firearms illegal will prevent criminals from using them.
That the life of a murderer on death row is sacred, but an unborn baby's is not.
That the best way to overcome our racist past is to enforce racist affirmative action policies.
That people who are too ignorant to get a free state issued I.D. card are smart enough to vote.
That the best way to overcome our current spending crisis is to spend more money.
That the federal government with no competition can provide a better health care product than the private sector with competition can.
That a grandma in a wheelchair is a bigger potential threat on an airplane than a guy with a name that takes phlegm to pronounce.
That we need to be sensitive to the feelings of people that subscribe to a religion that teaches that we all should submit to their version of righteousness or face beheading, but should demean and diminish those that believe in the religion that teaches we should love and embrace our neighbors no matter what religion they belong to.
That poll watchers who want to ensure that election laws are observed and the vote is without fraud are intimidating voters, and black radicals with clubs in front of a polling place are not.
That ice ages and the warming periods in between were not caused by man's influence on the earth but a half degree rise in average temperatures over 30 years is.
That using the equivalent of two gallons of fossil fuel to produce one gallon of ethanol makes sense because it is "renewable."
That a picture of a female guard in Abu Ghraib pointing at the genitals of a terrorist and laughing is deplorable but those same goofballs setting off an IED and killing our troops are just freedom fighters.
That a 70 year old woman with a Gadsden flag is a radical but an OWS protestor that defecates on a police car and breaks windows of businesses is a frustrated citizen.
That in spite of the fact that one third of the world is hungry it makes more sense to use food for fuel than drilling for a fuel source that nobody can eat.
H/T American Thinker
Saturday, January 21, 2012
Democrats Will Lie, Steal And Cheat To Win
As most of us have come to understand there is no bar the democrats will not crawl under in order to win elections or change the results of an election they do not like, surpassing even the famed reptilian of song and stories ability to creep under even the lowest bar. They will vote the dead as recent events in S.C. have shown. They will run away from home if they lose an election as they did in both WI and Ind last year and again in Ind this year. They will illegally register and vote felons as they did in Mich to give obama's court jester Al Franken his victory. Obama trained and supported A.C.O.R.N had its operatives arrested, charged and convicted in several dozen states.They will station armed storm troopers at polling places as they did in Philly. They will use the NAACP and unions in these efforts as recent events in Mississippi and WI has shown. Well now it seems democrat officials will personally steal Republican elected officials I.D.'s, use the stolen I'D. to make it appear as though this Republican was engaged in illegal behavior. Iowa law enforcement recently arrested Zachary Edwards a former obama operative.
H/T Powerline
Not Just A Democrat Dirty Trick, But A Crime
H/T Powerline
Not Just A Democrat Dirty Trick, But A Crime
Dead Democrats
Most of us know how broad based the democrat party is, union members, African Americans, Latinos, illegal aliens, and it seems in South Carolina the dead have been showing up at polling places across the state. While there has been no word which political party they favor history shows that the dead tend to overwhelmingly support democrats. If true this lends support to democrat claims that their voters have a much more difficult time getting to state offices to obtain state issued I.D. that will allow them to vote.
This may well bolster the federal case recently filed against the state of South Carolina by Eric Holder's Justice Department who claim that the states new law requiring I.D. to vote is discriminatory. Perhaps Mr.Holder could point out in his argument that there will be extreme hardship imposed on these voters as in 2000 years only 1 other man has risen from the dead to walk among us thus lending credence as to the degree of difficulty these voters will face in exercising their right to vote.
This may well bolster the federal case recently filed against the state of South Carolina by Eric Holder's Justice Department who claim that the states new law requiring I.D. to vote is discriminatory. Perhaps Mr.Holder could point out in his argument that there will be extreme hardship imposed on these voters as in 2000 years only 1 other man has risen from the dead to walk among us thus lending credence as to the degree of difficulty these voters will face in exercising their right to vote.
South Carolina Attorney General: 900 Dead People Voted in Recent Elections (Video), January 20, 2012
Did Our Media Miss This One ?
I can see how our liberal media may have missed this. They had to cover Newts angry ex wife and God knows that is far more news worthy than a very high ranking member of obama's Dept of Justice pleading the 5'th in front of Congress. I mean you see one high ranking Justice Dept official pleading the 5'th while Congress investigates thousands of guns being allowed to cross the border and the deaths of hundreds of Mexican citizens, law enforcement on both sides of the border and probable perjury by the head of obama's Justice Dept Eric Holder....well its a lot like spontaneous human combustion .....happens all the time
P.S.....keep in mind folks that taking the 5'th is only allowed to avoid self-incrimination.
January 20, 2012
P.S.....keep in mind folks that taking the 5'th is only allowed to avoid self-incrimination.
January 20, 2012
Criminal Division Chief of AZ U.S. Attorney's Office Will Plead Fifth in Fast and Furious Investigation
M Catharine Evans
Thursday, January 19, 2012
Conservative Porn At Its Finest
Newt was pretty aggressive here and I guess he didn't have much choice. It was come out swinging or fold the tent and go home. The question is will Newts response over shadow his ex wife's interview ? In any case it was fun to watch and I suspect King never expected to have his head handed back to him nor the crowds response.
So how does this help Newt
Perry dropping out?
Posted by William A. Jacobson Thursday, January 19, 2012 at 9:21am


So reports Peter Hamby of CNN via Twitter:
H/T Legal Insurrection
Rick Perry will drop out of the Republican presidential race today, two sources tell CNN.Updates: Perry just scheduled an 11 a.m. press conference.
H/T Legal Insurrection
Wednesday, January 18, 2012
Was There Ever Any Doubt ?
Well as expected obama drove a another stake into energy production today and rejected the Keystone pipeline. His spokesman Jay Carney said it was for the children. We have more than 2 million miles of pipeline in this country now and this project had been under review for more than 3 years. Yet according to obama it needs further study. The simple truth is obama is dead set against any form of energy that does not come out of the backside of a unicorn or through a crony operated and run solar energy tax payer money pit. He has pretty much done what he could to stop drilling for oil , he is slowly killing coal, forget nuclear power since Japan, now he is moving to stop transportation of oil and gas already out of the ground. There is some dispute as to how many jobs this project would have created but there is no question it would have created jobs but for obama
CARNEY: Even prior to the signing of that legislation (extending payroll tax cut), the State Department, which again reviews this process, made clear that setting an arbitrary deadline through this purely political effort would put the State Department in a corner.
[It] would severely hamper their ability to review an alternate route and a new pipeline route in the proper way, a way that has long been established by precedent and that would take into consideration all the criteria that are so important in decisions like this. Economic impact, national security impact, environmental impact, the effect on the water that our children breathe — rather, the water our children drink and the air that they breathe.
Sunday, January 15, 2012
The Democrats Flying Monkeys
I know for most when the term Flying Monkeys is used one immediately conjures up the image of the Wicked Witch of the West cackling to Dorothy " I'll get you my pretty ....and your little dog to " or maybe the iconic image of her standing in the window of her castle shouting FLY ....FLY as the monkeys take wing to bring Dorothy and friends to the castle. Well the democrats have their own Flying Monkeys and these democrat party support monkeys generally lack the charm and likability of the Witch's monkeys. So who are these winged Simians you ask ? The Occupy movement is the latest liberal Flying Monkey to take wing, unions, ACORN was and with its still surviving offshoots continues to be one. Then there are the racial grievance mobs and of course the press or media. All these groups are intertwined in a tangled web of incestuous relationships with group members flitting from group to group and in and out of government service in a dance that is so convoluted and twisted that following the threads binding them would be nearly impossible. There are many others of course but these are the strike arms, storm troopers and propagandists of the democrat party and without these groups and organizations the democrat party would likely be a regional party confined to the North East and inner cities with its base of support largely limited to racial minorities, union members and the university liberal elite. One thing these groups have in common is they largely feed off of and are supported by, us ....the tax paying public. They are in short parasitic ticks dependent upon the American people for their survival. Over the next few days I am going to post some of the links these groups have to each other, government and public coffers.
Saturday, January 14, 2012
I DON"T CARE !!!!!!
To listen to more than a few pundits what those Marines did by pissing on dead Taliban was equal to child rape. I don't care to be honest, we have seen what they do to our people living and dead. If all they did was piss on our dead I suspect we would be pretty happy with that at least they would be coming home in one piece. These are the same people who work themselves into a killing frenzy over cartoons and kill women for unwed sex fer Christ sake.
Tuesday, January 10, 2012
This Is Conservatism
It speaks for itself, watch the vid then compare and contrast with democrats aspirations for the country.
H/T to Hot Air and Legal Insurrection
H/T to Hot Air and Legal Insurrection
Monday, January 9, 2012
Is The Fat Lady Singing
Some polls you like ....some polls you don't like....I like this poll
Poll: Americans, 2-1, Fear Obama's Reelection
January 9, 2012 RSS Feed Print When it comes to how Americans view President Obama going into the new year, there appears to be very little spirit of Auld Lang Syne. Instead, according to the new Washington Whispers poll, many voters aren't forgetting what they dislike about Obama and want him out office.
In our New Year's poll, when asked what news event they fear most about 2012, Americans by a margin of two-to-one said Obama's reelection. Only 16 percent said they fear the Democrat won't win a second term, while 33 percent said they fear four more years.
In our New Year's poll, when asked what news event they fear most about 2012, Americans by a margin of two-to-one said Obama's reelection. Only 16 percent said they fear the Democrat won't win a second term, while 33 percent said they fear four more years.
Saturday, January 7, 2012
Whats Up Doc
As I was reading this story I was thinking to myself .....O.K. is common sense that endangered that we need to take things such as this to court to solve. They actually counted Bugs Bunny on a recall petition earlier in the year..... I mean seriously folks
Read more:
By MJ LEE | 1/6/12 7:47 AM EST
A judge ruled Thursday that Wisconsin’s Government Accountability Board must be more vigilant in vetting recall signatures collected for Gov. Scott Walker, according to the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel.
The ruling comes on the heels of the accountability board’s announcement in December that names like Mickey Mouse and Adolf Hitler were being counted as valid names on recall petitions, so long as they were properly dated and accompanied by a Wisconsin address.
The ruling comes on the heels of the accountability board’s announcement in December that names like Mickey Mouse and Adolf Hitler were being counted as valid names on recall petitions, so long as they were properly dated and accompanied by a Wisconsin address.
Read more:
Friday, January 6, 2012
In A Perfect World
I read this and laughed and wondered if it did happen how long would it be before the liberals found themselves swimming across the Mississippi River if that became the border between Conservative and liberal nations in search of a better life
Dear American liberals, leftists, social progressives, socialists, regressive Marxists, and Obama supporters.
We have stuck together since the late 1950s for the sake of the kids, but the whole of this latest election process has made me realize that I want a divorce. I know we tolerated each other for many years for the sake of future generations, but sadly, this relationship has clearly run its course.
Here is a model separation agreement:
Dear American liberals, leftists, social progressives, socialists, regressive Marxists, and Obama supporters.
Our two ideological sides of America cannot and will not ever agree on what is right for us all, so let's just end it on friendly terms. We can smile and chalk it up to irreconcilable differences and go our own way.
1. Our two groups can equitably divide up the country by land mass, each taking a similar portion. That will be the difficult part, but I am sure our two sides can come to a friendly agreement. After that, it should be relatively easy. Our respective representatives can effortlessly divide other assets since both sides had such distinct and disparate tastes.
2. We don't like redistributive taxes, so you can keep them.
3. You are welcome to the liberal judges and the ACLU.
4. Since you hate guns and war, we'll take our firearms, the cops, the NRA, and the military.
5. We'll take the nasty, smelly oil industry and you can go with wind, solar, and bio-diesel.
6. You can keep Oprah, Michael Moore, and Rosie O'Donnell. You are, however, responsible for finding a bio-diesel vehicle big enough to move all three of them.
7. We'll keep capitalism, greedy corporations, pharmaceutical companies, Wal-Mart, and Wall Street.
8. You can have your beloved lifelong welfare dwellers, food stamps, homeless, homeboys, hippies, druggies, and illegal aliens.
9. We'll keep the hot Alaskan hockey moms, greedy CEO's and rednecks.
10. We'll keep the Bibles and give you NBC and Hollywood .
11. You can make nice with Iran and Palestine and we'll retain the right to invade and hammer places that threaten us.
12. You can have the peace-niks and war protesters. When our allies or our way of life are under assault, we'll help provide them security.
13. We'll keep our Judeo-Christian values.
14. You are welcome to Islam, Scientology, Humanism, political correctness, and Shirley McLain. You can also have the U.N., but we will no longer be paying the bill.
15. We'll keep the SUV's, pickup trucks, and oversized luxury cars. You can take every Subaru station wagon you can find.
16. You can give everyone healthcare if you can find any practicing doctors..
17. We'll continue to believe healthcare is an earned luxury and not a right.
18. We'll keep "The Battle Hymn of the Republic" and "The National Anthem."
19. I'm sure you'll be happy to substitute "Imagine", "I'd Like to Teach the World to Sing", "Kum Ba Ya," or "We Are the World".
20. We'll practice trickledown economics and you can continue to give trickle up poverty your best shot.
21. Since it often so offends you, we'll keep our history, our name and our constitution and our flag.
22. Would you agree to this? If so, please pass it along to other like-minded liberal and conservative patriots and if you do not agree, just hit delete. In the spirit of friendly parting, I'll bet you answer which one of us will need whose help in 15 years.
John J. Wall
Law Student and an American
P.S.: Also, please take Ted Turner, Sean Penn, Martin Sheen, Barbara Streisand, and Jane Fonda with you.
P.S.S..: And you won't have to "Press 1 for English" when you call our country.
Thursday, January 5, 2012
They Reelected Him
I have watched this you tube probably 50 times over the last several months. Every time I watch it I am amazed that they walk among us and in his case managed to get himself elected to Congress. He of course is a democrat. The YOU HAVE GOT TO BE KIDDING ME moment comes at about 1:18. Trust me, its worth the watch and it makes you wonder if our modern society has shielded to many folks from natural selection.
Wednesday, January 4, 2012
There're Back....Return Of The Fleebaggers
Most of the country missed it because their attention was diverted by the goings on in Wisconsin when the democrats in the Wisconsin state Senate ran away from home in an effort to stop the newly elected Republicans from trifling with their single largest source of funding, unions. Little noticed at the time was the Indiana House members who also ran away from home over much the same issue, unions and the ability of unions to force union membership on newly hired union shop employees. These Indiana House democrats fled the state for 5 weeks in 2011 to deny House Republicans a quorum thus preventing them from passing the bill. In order to conduct the business of the state and move other bills, the Republicans backed off and the democrats returned. Well the bill is back and Indiana's Republican leadership will again attempt to restrict the unions ability to force employees from having to join a union to gain employment and will make Indiana a right to work state.
The House democrats claim that the bill which has been available for public viewing for more than a year needs public hearings to improve the public's understanding of the bill and its effects on Indiana citizens, this according to democrat House minority leader Bauer. I think Mr. Bauer like a good many democrats believe the people they represent are stupid or Bauer is blowing smoke with the stock party line or more likely he's hoping they are stupid enough to believe the stock party line. The citizens of Indiana watched the entire contingent of House democrats leave the state and run of to that haven of displaced democrat legislators, the failed state of Illinois. Their antics and the reason for these antics were in every media outlet in the state for weeks and for Bauer to make the claim that the citizens of the state of Indiana are unaware of the contents of and the effects of this bill is laughable. The democrats know full well that the effect of this bill will be to reduce forced union membership and thus union dues and thus union contributions to democrat elected officials. These unions contribute at rates of 90 to 100 % to only democrats, depending on the union. These unions have became the ATM machines of democrat party politics providing both money and bodies in an incestuous relationship where unions elect democrats to office then sit down across from these same democrats to dicker over the terms of their next contract. Who are these elected democrat officials and union members in negotiations against ? If public service employee's which are now the largest sector of union membership they are negotiating against the tax paying public, for that is who pays the wages and benefits of these public service employee's. The Indiana democrats after refusing to take to the floor of the House to conduct state business did find the time to meet behind closed doors with the head of Indiana AFL - CIO President Nancy Guyott. I wonder what her orders were.
Some of you will like this little Youtube vid of the Indiana Republicans poking fun at the fleebagging democrats. Below that a link to a story in local media on the issue.|topnews|text|
The House democrats claim that the bill which has been available for public viewing for more than a year needs public hearings to improve the public's understanding of the bill and its effects on Indiana citizens, this according to democrat House minority leader Bauer. I think Mr. Bauer like a good many democrats believe the people they represent are stupid or Bauer is blowing smoke with the stock party line or more likely he's hoping they are stupid enough to believe the stock party line. The citizens of Indiana watched the entire contingent of House democrats leave the state and run of to that haven of displaced democrat legislators, the failed state of Illinois. Their antics and the reason for these antics were in every media outlet in the state for weeks and for Bauer to make the claim that the citizens of the state of Indiana are unaware of the contents of and the effects of this bill is laughable. The democrats know full well that the effect of this bill will be to reduce forced union membership and thus union dues and thus union contributions to democrat elected officials. These unions contribute at rates of 90 to 100 % to only democrats, depending on the union. These unions have became the ATM machines of democrat party politics providing both money and bodies in an incestuous relationship where unions elect democrats to office then sit down across from these same democrats to dicker over the terms of their next contract. Who are these elected democrat officials and union members in negotiations against ? If public service employee's which are now the largest sector of union membership they are negotiating against the tax paying public, for that is who pays the wages and benefits of these public service employee's. The Indiana democrats after refusing to take to the floor of the House to conduct state business did find the time to meet behind closed doors with the head of Indiana AFL - CIO President Nancy Guyott. I wonder what her orders were.
Some of you will like this little Youtube vid of the Indiana Republicans poking fun at the fleebagging democrats. Below that a link to a story in local media on the issue.|topnews|text|
Tuesday, January 3, 2012
To Close To Call
Well its 11:48 P.M. Iowa should have been over by now but its still to close to call with 95.8 % of Precincts reporting Santorum leads Romney by about 100 votes. Paul is far enough out that he will likely be 3'rd, ......Newt is 4'th ....Perry 5'th. Well me.... who would have thought 1 week ago Santorum would win Iowa but its looking like he will be the winner. Wonder how Mitt will spin this one ?
Monday, January 2, 2012
Alan Colmes ....WTF
These are supposed to be the sensitive empathic ones and yet time after time they make some of the most heartless cruel and generally nasty comments I have ever seen. This one ranks in the top 5 most vile things I have seen uttered by anyone on either side of the political spectrum and that in this day and age is going some. Alan Colmes is a hard core Obama supporter and I think this is the tack Obama is going to take. He is going to take the high road while having his horde of flying monkeys do his dirty work for him. That being said if this is a example of whats to come, God help us.
Alan Colmes: Rick Santorum took dead baby home to 'play with it'
Liberal talk show host Alan Colmes sunk to new a new low when he said on Fox News that former Pennsylvania Senator Rick Santorum took his deceased baby home to 'play with it.'
Alan Colmes: Rick Santorum took dead baby home to 'play with it'
Liberal talk show host Alan Colmes sunk to new a new low when he said on Fox News that former Pennsylvania Senator Rick Santorum took his deceased baby home to 'play with it.'
Sunday, January 1, 2012
Liberalism Has To Be A Mental Disorder
Every once in a while I run across something that highlights the evolution of liberalism into bat guano, car chasing crazy. This is one of those times. I'll admit that PETA is one of those groups who has always been out on the tin foil hat far left fringe but it seems to me that the rest of the left is quickly catching up. Don't believe me, well I read a story a while back about a group of people at U.C. Berkeley who were upset at a decision to cut a few trees on campus. Their solution was to move into and live in those same trees .....for more than 2 years. The last protester, a young lady named Dumpster Muffin was shook out of those trees not so very long ago. If I'm not mistaken she wound up in Israel protesting to lift the blockade along with Obama buddy and ghost writer Billy ( boom boom ) Ayers . Is it me or does it seem that the left has a horde and growing group of people who do nothing but protest. It doesn't seem to matter what they are protesting, Trees, Occupy, Oil, Fur, Salt, Happy Meals.... rumor has it there is even a group on the left coast who are protesting the use of those grocery store check out line rubber dividers that separate your order from the next guy's claiming it promotes the separation of the species or something. Sometimes I am inclined to think liberals should have a warning label sown to them along with a government sponsored add campaign explaining the dangers of liberalism to children. * SHRUG * ....something needs to be done. Anyway as near as I can figure the only thing PETA has done right was to undress hot women ....everything else has left me scratching my head wondering if the movie Men in Black wasn't a documentary
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PETA seeks memorials to cows killed on Ilinois roads
Dec. 31, 2011 10:56 AM
Associated Press
Associated Press
CHICAGO -- An animal rights group wants Illinois to install highway signs in memory of cattle killed when trucks hauling them flipped in two separate wrecks.
People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals has asked for permission to buy the markers, one in suburban Chicago and one northwest of Peoria. The group says the signs would pay tribute to the more than 20 cattle killed as a result of negligent driving this year.
People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals has asked for permission to buy the markers, one in suburban Chicago and one northwest of Peoria. The group says the signs would pay tribute to the more than 20 cattle killed as a result of negligent driving this year.
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