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Sunday, February 26, 2012

P.E.T.A. By Their Own Definition Are Mass Murderers

 For years I have watched the antics of this crazed group of liberal Flying Monkeys and their efforts to humanize animals, fish and fowl. From trying to force children to call fish Sea Kittens so they won't eat fish to throwing blood on those wearing fur.They have marched from one insane act of idiocy to the next with the moral high ground supposedly lending them their self righteous smugness, that is until now. It seems they are mass murderers and on a grand scale.

PETA: People Exterminating Thousands of Animals

Regular readers know that I’ve had a long standing beef with PETA. (Pun fully intended.) This is an organization which has taken the noble, worthy cause of helping out animals in distress and turned it into a misguided and frequently dangerous cult, frequently doing more to harm legitimate animal care initiatives than to help any four legged friends in need. But the story uncovered by the Daily Caller this week really puts things in perspective. It turns out that in the few cases where PETA operates actual shelters, they have one of the worst records in the country in terms of killing off animals rather than putting in the effort to care for them and find them homes.

1 comment:

  1. People Eating Tasty Animals: Dumber than poison ivy since 1980
