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Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Who Knew ...Democrats May Have Engaged In Election Fraud ?

 There is a reason why democrats have an existential fear of any efforts to take control of a voting process that is rife with fraud from top to bottom. They oppose any and all efforts for states to implement voter I.D. laws. They support groups like ACORN and insist that despite the evidence to the contrary that ACORN was not engaged in voter registration and yes, voter fraud in state after state and city after city. They were largely behind Motor Voter which has allowed massive absentee ballot fraud in almost every state. The Obama Department of Justice has flatly refused to require states to purge their voter rolls of the dead and relocated voters and now there is this. 

Indiana 2008 Presidential Primary Election Fraud Probe Heats Up

Published December 07, 2011
Charity Rorie, a mother of four, sat in her Mishawaka, Ind., kitchen, stunned that her name appeared on a 2008 Democratic presidential primary petition for then-candidate Barack Obama.
"That's not my signature," she told Fox News, saying her signature is "absolutely" a fake. She also said she was troubled someone forged both her signature and that of her husband, Jeff, and listed personal details such as their address and birthdays."It's scary," Rorie said. "It's shocking. It definitely is illegal. A lot of people have already lost faith in politics and the whole realm of politics, so that just solidifies all of our worries and concerns."

Robert Hunter Jr. said his name was faked, too."I did not sign for Barack Obama," he told Fox News, adding his signature supporting the then-Illinois senator's effort to get on the primary ballot was also a forgery.
As he examined the Obama petition he held in his hands, Hunter pointed out that "I always put 'Junior' after my name, every time ... there's no 'Junior' there." He said the signature on the petition looks "very close" to his real one, but it clearly is not."My wife and I actually signed a petition for Hillary Clinton," he said. "I am an Obama fan, but not in the primaries I wasn't."

The prospect that theirs are two of an estimated 150 signatures that may have been forged on the petitions has raised the question of whether President Obama actually reached the legitimate number of signatures needed to be placed on the ballot in Indiana. Under state law, presidential candidates need to file 500 signatures from each of the state's nine congressional districts. Indiana election officials say that in St. Joseph County, the Obama campaign qualified with 534 signatures; Clinton's camp had 704. The certified signatures were never challenged.

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